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She ~ the ultimate weapon ~ another anime I am currently watching!

Shuuji and Chise (the girl in the picture) are third year students at a high school in Hokkaido. The shy Chise finally confesses her feelings to Shuuji, and the two of them awkwardly start exchanging a diary.

Chise is a simple, timid and often clumsy girl and she constantly wants to become stronger for the sake of Shuuji.

Not explicitly explained, but the show depicts Japan as undergoing war. In order, to defend itself against enemy attack, a professor found a cruel method to convert humans into a mechanism of destruction. Chise, becomes a victim to the professor hence, her form in the picture.

One day, Shuuji tries to escape from a sudden enemy air raid on their town. While desperately escaping from the air raid, Shuuji sees a scene that he would not forget for the rest of his life. He sees Chise, with huge weapons which looks like a part of her hand, shooting down the enemy fighters one by one. That's when he realises, Chise has become a weapon with a destructive power important to the outcome of the war.

This show is not much of an action show, but it is more of a romantic show that shows how Shuuji sacrifices a lot to be with Chise, the one he loves despite her form. For me, it is a good anime, but very much solemn in nature.


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