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CLAYMORE - It's the new show I have been watching lately. It probably comes under the genre of fantasy, adventure and drama.

In this story, the world people live in is lurking with man-eating creatures called 'Yoma'. Because of their fearsome and uncontrollable lust for human blood, Claymores are called in to exterminate these Yomas. Claymores are half-Yoma, half-human women - according to the story, men cannot become Claymores because they would succumb to the immense power of the half-Yoma in them too easily.

This show talks about a Claymore named Claire (the girl in the picture), who chose to become a Claymore at a young age. When she was still a little girl, she was saved by the strongest Claymore at that time, Theresa. At that point, Claire decided to follow Theresa on her journey to exterminate Yomas. Ironically Claire did not choose to follow Theresa because Theresa saved her, but rather she saw a great deal of sadness and loneliness in Theresa. Well, Claire was a victim of torture and harassment of a Yoma, and she was often and outcast since no one ever wanted to go close to her as many felt she may one day turn into a Yoma after being tortured by a Yoma.

Although, Theresa's background was not detailed in the show, it is highly likely Theresa shared a similar background like Claire, hence their speecial bond. However, as a Claymore, one iron rule exists - never to kill a human. At one point, Theresa did kill a group of bandits in order to save Claire. Even though, we all see the good in what she did to save Claire, Claymores ignore such rationale and abide to the iron rule. Therefore, Theresa had to be killed for breaking the rule. Theresa then became a wanted person by the society of Claymores. Eventually, Theresa did get assassinated by another Claymore which turned into a full fledged Yoma when she over-used her powers in her efforts to kill Theresa.

Thing about Claymores is that, every time they use the half-Yoma power in them, they have to use a great deal of mental strength to ensure that they are not taken over by the Yoma in them completely. The Claymore that killed Theresa, named Priscilla eventually succumbed to the Yoma in her after expending too much Yoma power in trying to kill Theresa. She did indeed succeed in killing Theresa, and Claire witnessed the whole ordeal. That was when Claire decided to become a Claymore, not to exterminate Yomas but for the sole purpose of avenging Theresa, the only person who ever really accepted who she was, and really cared for her.

Not surprisingly, Claire follows the foot steps of Theresa, picking up a boy named Raki. From there, their journey together in search of Priscilla begins.


It is currently an ongoing anime, and I highly recommend it!

Artwork: 8/10
Story line:8.5/10
Cast voices suitability with the characters:8.7/10


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  2. People this is a greate anime with great story. I have watched this anime (26 series) in one dey and still watching it intensivly with my freands who did not see it. Im trying to feel all aspects of this beautifool story with everyone. In this story there is a many blood but this is a story about Love-about humans heart. Even when Clair was in line of Yoma or Men the love helped her to stay women and to love. I'm sure that this is not the end of story becouse many things are not done by Clair and waiting for the continue of this anime. I have specially registered for opening my heart to others. Peace to all us.


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