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Fantastic 4 - Rise of Silver Surfer

It was a Saturday night, and I wanted to catch a movie. Surprisingly, I wasn't exactly planning on watching Fantastic 4 since I felt it was going to be impossible to get good seats or even get any tickets for the matter. So my girlfriend and I were actually planning to catch Pirates of the Caribbean ("Pirates") since we didn't get the chance to watch it earlier with my work and studies getting in the way.

So this how we ended up watching Fantastic 4:

We were happily eager to watch Pirates and driving to One Utama. On the way there, we both saw a pretty bad jam to get in. So I thought let's not waste time and head up into The Curve ("Curve") - generally the Curve has more available spots for movies, probably because less people go there due to the distance. Anyway, we got to the Curve, found a beautiful parking lot for my car (I love corner parking lots - keeps my car save from inconsiderate people that open their car doors without minding what's beside). I was quite happy and we got the cinema, and we realised they were no longer showing Pirates!

No more Pirates, so last resort - back to One Utama. This time, no traffic crawl on the outside but when we got in, we were in the parking lot searching for a spot for 45 minutes. We were literally hunting down an empty space.

Finally settling down for a relatively good spot, we went in to get tickets for Pirates. I was really confident on getting the tickets considering the show's been on for a pretty long time. Then came another bomb shell - no tickets until the late shows that start around 11:30pm. Fine! We headed off to another cinema in One Utama, and came another bomb shell - tickets left only for the first two rows from the screen. Tired of queueing up and all the disappointments, we settled for Fantastic 4.

At first, I wasn't expecting much from the show since the first one wasn't too good. But I was dead wrong! The show was really fantastic! The cast did well to replicated the characters like the comic. And Silver Surfer - he was really cool and they did well to be true as possible. Reed was as scientific as ever, Sue was really good looking and well suited for the character (Jessica Alba!!! What do you think???), Johnny as cheeky and always on to girls, and the Thing as strong as in the comic. This installation saw more action and the writers did well to amalgamate the mix of action, drama and love (Spidey was too much on the soft side). Scripts writers got the dialogue very fluid and more natural.

All I can say, is well done! This show was definitely unlike the blunder of Spiderman 3.

If I were to rate the show, I'd give it a good 8.9 out of 10!


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