Back to work today after all the crash studying and exam papers! Therefore, the most common question would probably be how did it feel to be back to work? Feeling was somewhat nostalgic, but worst of all - it was definitely a cold start for an engine not running for the past four weeks.
Thank God, today wasn't that busy so I had some time to warm up my engine. Tomorrow I'll be starting off in a new client under a different senior. This can only mean one thing - another opportunity to learn more things! That is always a good thing. And the firm replaced my laptop with a brand new one too, and it's a Dell Latitude! Cool eh (wish you had a job like mine eh)? hehehehehe....... the firm gave the whole set (i.e. bag, power supply, thumb drive, etc...)
All in all I cannot call it a bad day since I am back home earlier than usual, and actually have the time to work on my mix (which in case you didn't know, has been long overdue). Definitely made some progress with the mix, since I am working on it with a clearer mind and a less pressured brain. What more can one ask for when working on music?
Forget everything else, the most pressing issue lies right in front of my very eyes! For those used to studying and pressure cooking yourself before an exam, you should know this well enough. It is none other than the aftermath of books and notes piled up on my table and everywhere else in the room. Here are some photos of the mess, or should I call it natural work of art? :)
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