Not everything can go to plan because plans can sometimes fail and more often than not plans to fail. It may not necessarily be plans but sometimes you may set out do something only to find yourself doing something completely different and achieving an entirely different result altogether.
I know if you look at it, it's just going to be a flower pot and a shadow but when I look at it, I simply get a very soothing feeling when I look at it. Maybe it is the soft lighting and the shadow cast by it.
Friday night I saw a beautiful crescent moon in the clear night sky and I quickly grabbed my camera to capture the beauty of the moon. All in all I spent a good 30 minutes out in the compound of my home trying to get a good camera shot of the moon. So there I was shooting away and at the mercy of the mosquitoes to have a night meal at my expense.
I tried moving around, playing with different angles, camera settings in trying to get a successful shot of the moon. I just kept snapping and snapping away in hope to get a good moon shot. Then as I was happily snapping photos of the moon I turned to my right to look at a nice frame of a flower pot and the night lamp shining down on it, creating a very interesting frame and so I snapped a shot of it.
After all that, I uploaded all the photos into my pc to start the filtering process. To my surprise, after all the effort trying to capture the moment of the beautiful moon, the best photo happens to be the picture of the flower pot! Take a look!
And if I try to go through the moon photos, I think the best photo I can choose is probably this one here.
But my point throughout all this is that I set out first all gung-ho to capture photos of the moon but I ended up with a more satisfying picture of a flower pot and its shadow. If I look at it from other aspects of our lives, there are and there will be times when we set out do something - home decor, car modification, fitness goal, etc. only to find that we end up with completely different results and sometimes the results can be far better than expected.
Sometimes, we can't grip too tightly on trying to "stick" to the plan but we can sometimes take it a gear down and look at things objectively and tell ourselves, "if I can't walk on the line I set, I can at least walk parallel to it".
When you least expect it, good things can come to you rather you having to reach out for it! ;0)
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