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mistakes do happen~

As much as I hate to admit it, there are times where I am guilty of making the silliest of mistakes whether it's at home, at work or in a relationship. It can be as simple as forgetting to turn of the fire at the stove before I leave the house, or a simple e-mail to the client that is drafted incorrectly, or a as simple as forgetting to drop a loved one a sms to let them know you have reached home.

As simple as all the above examples may seem, it is never too simple to make the simplest of mistakes. If you may have found yourself in such situations before, you will probably be quick to note that as simple as the mistake may seem, some people don't seem to take them likely and you may well find yourself paying a penalty tad too expensive for such a mistake.

The horrible part about committing a mistake is that a mistake will always be a mistake whether it turns out to be a major blunder or a small hiccup. You probably know what I mean. To make matters worse, sometimes the more you try to explain a mistake, error, miscue, miss, or whatever word you want to coin it with, the more you are accused of coming out with excuses to cover for your mistake. It hurts and sometimes it even puts you down, especially when you earnestly mean to explain yourself.

I guess, the question that you and I will ask is really, "how to move on with a mistake done?".

Let's try to put it in a simple scenario - 5 year old kid, goes to the kitchen to try to get himself a glass of cold milk. Finds himself a little too short to reach for the packet of milk on the third rack in the fridge, tip toes almost reaches the packet, he slips, tips the packet and "smack" the packet of milk falls to the floor leaving a nice pool of milk on an expensive carpet.

Mom hears the ruckus, comes down and find kid with a sad face wondering how he got himself in the situation. Kid starts saying sorry to mom profusely in hope that he doesn't get apprehended too badly. In the end, Mom ends up doing clean up, Mom scolds the kid and probably gives one or two smacks on the bum and 5 year old cries himself to bed in regret.

It doesn't end there.

After all the clean up, scolding and smacks, Mom really isn't mad at the kid. Well, she was mad about the spilled milk but she's not going to be mad eternally at the kid. 15 minutes later, kid walks out of his room to see if Mom's fine, he find Mom's looking at him with soft eyes and says, "If something's too high for you to reach, grab the little stool there. If not, ask me next time.".

Little kid nods.........

Throughout the entire mess the kid made, Mom was probably upset with him for making the mess and not because little boy here wanted to get himself some milk. At the end of the day, when someone apprehends us for a mistake we have made, it is not without a reason. Would you scold someone for no reason? I am sure you won't. If you do, I think you might need some psychotherapy.

As much as getting apprehended for a wrongdoing leaves you feeling upset or angry about it, you've got to realise that there must be a reason someone is telling you you made a boo boo one way or the other.

That someone isn't mad at you personally, he's going to be mad because more often than not, when a mistake is committed, it is going to be tough to undo what's been done. Example above - spilled milk means no milk for the kid that day, not until and unless Mom buys a new packet plus the fact that mom has to do clean up.

We are not perfect and thus, we make mistakes. You and I have to understand one important thing in life - if it's anything, mistakes do happen. We just need to make sure we recognise the fact that we made a mistake, make up for it and then learn from it making sure at best, not to repeat it.


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