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you've got only each other.......

Growing up with siblings has its commonalities. The quarrels, the fights, the fair share of parental advice, the pep talks, even sharing the sting of the most revered family bamboo cane (mom ain't nothing once you have felt the sting of the cane) :P

There's not a single family that I know of, who has told me they have never had sibling squabbles. Not any that I know of at least. I'd be utterly surprised if someone told me he or she has siblings and never had a single squabble throughout their growing up.

I have one older brother and I sure do remember the fights we went through when we were younger. I laugh whenever I think back about it. Fighting and arguing over the tiniest of matter. But we were kids then, what do you expect? It reached a point my dad got us each a pair of boxing gloves to go fight it out. Every Sunday, he'd lay four bricks in each corner of the compound of our home for the 'boxing ring' and he'd be the referee. As far as he was concerned, nothing below the belt and nothing above the neck. We had a whacking fun time!

Over and above all that, every time my brother and I had an argument, we'd both get the cane or scolding. My mom or dad would never ask who started it and they didn't want to know. There was no favouritism. One thing they never failed to say was, "look, it's just the two of you in this family. We both love you guys and why are you guys fighting amongst yourselves? What good does it do? Family stay together and hang on to each other for support. When the world is crumbling around you and no one cares about you, your family is all you have. Mom and dad can't be here for you forever. Someday we'll leave this world and you two have each other only so don't go on fighting. You guys should be like best friends! Alright?"

At that young age, the last thing on my mind was my brother being my best friend. Fighting over anything, even food! Who would have thought someone like that would make a best friend? I sure didn't.

But right here, right now, I'd say my parents was right. Today, my brother lives in Australia, working there and happy with a decent girlfriend. I am truly happy for him. As much as he is far away from where I am, I do miss the bloke and every now and then we text each other. There are things that I tell him of which I don't even tell my parents. I have shared experiences with him, that no one else could - I played against him in the finals of a squash tournament (albeit, I lost. In fact, I don't think I have ever beaten him in a serious match); the last time I traveled to Australia to visit him, he made sure I didn't need to foot out a single dime while I was there; every now and then he pops me an sms saying, "take care of the old folks alright because I can't be there for them."

I've seen people closest to me kick the bucket, I've seen some of my friends' parents kicking the bucket and I know it's not a nice feeling. I also realise that I don't know how much time I have left with my parents and someday they will leave this world as they go through the human life cycle. And when they depart, it's just going to be me and him. He's all I got and I am all he's got....... but he ain't heavy, his my brother.


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