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Just play the shot, it's either up or down!

"You really think too much!"

That's what my colleague said to me a few days ago. It got me scratching my head a bit. It did get me thinking if I was thinking too much. One of those catch 22 situations - "thinking about thinking".

I think there are some of us who just go with the flow of things and react during the moment whilst there are some of us who likes to figure things out first before doing anything. I apparently, fall in the latter.

Last night, out of the blues while reviewing professional squash matches over YouTube I stumbled upon a special interview footage with Amr Shabana, the former world number one squash player and the current world number two.

In the interview, he was asked about what does he think about when it comes to shot selections during a match, how does he decide on what shot to play, the thought process. I was rather startled with his reply. He said something like this (my quote may not be accurate), "I don't think about it. If I think too much and try to think about options I usually end up making a mistake. I just don't think about it and play the shot, there is a 50 50 chance - either it's up or down."

At the back of my head, the first thing that entered my mind was the "You really think too much!" statement my colleague made about me. I was beginning to wonder maybe I shouldn't think too much about everything and just 'play the shot'. Either way, it's going to be a 50 50 chance if I play the shot rather than sitting down and thinking too much about it only to find myself in a predicament!

Most importantly, rather than being resourceful to those around me, I may end up becoming a burden instead. It also places unnecessary emotional stress and mental stress on myself. I would know, since I inherently placed myself in such a convolving position. As I am typing the words out for this post I am thinking to myself, "silly me!".

Just got to get out there and 'play the shot'. Won't know until I 'strike the ball' I guess........


  1. Certain people just have the tendency to think too much. I must admit that I am one of those people. And yes, it’s true. In the end, I ended up thinking about if I was thinking too much. It is definitely difficult to get it out of the system.


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