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The fat guy who turned up for squash~

Where I work, we have a squash team that plays regularly every Mondays and Thursdays. About 6 to 7 of us who simply want to have a good workout and sometimes, have a really competitive match to see how far we have improved in our game. Sometimes, we even discuss among ourselves to point out areas of improvement in our game. It's a nice stress relieving session I must say.

This Monday was different. There's was a new guy who joined the firm not long ago and decided he wanted to join our squash session. Welcoming him to the squash session was naturally what I had to do. Where I work, squash players are a rarity. But this new guy who joined us is different from any new guy at squash. He was different because he was fat. He was really fat like having a 45 inch waist line or probably more.

It all started when I found this new guy in my company's monthly bulletin of new staff. Every time there is a batch of new joiners, a bulletin will be sent out to all staff to offer a brief description of each of the new joiners. I was scrolling down the latest batch of new joiners and I noticed one description that said, "squash captain", which really piqued my curiosity. I had to find out who this new guy was because I didn't catch wind of any really good squash player joining us. I would have known if there was one coming in. Honestly, I was a little doubtful about it.

I was really looking forward to the idea of having a strong squash team with this new "squash captain" that has joined us. So, I popped him a mail to tell him to come see me, sort of to break the ice and get to know him better. A couple of hours after lunch, this guy shows up at my cubicle to meet me. I was surprised! Very, very, very surprised to be honest. I was expecting to see a well built bloke who'd fit the description of "squash captain". Instead, I found myself staring at this really fat bloke who introduced himself to be this "squash captain".

I promptly introduced myself and the squash team along with our playing sessions. I excused myself after the prompt introduction. I couldn't help but burst out laughing in private because I was surprised to see this fat bloke and simply because I was expecting someone a lot different as compared to what I saw.

I admit that I shouldn't laugh at someone else's physical attributes and offer my apologies for having laughed at him, albeit in private. But, but he did turn up for our squash session and he put effort in his game. Given his size, he is definitely at a disadvantage but he still showed up. Most fat people shy away from sports because they feel they can't offer a good game or be competitive in their game. I don't know how he felt about joining us for squash but I think he was probably worried about how our reaction was going to be. But the fact that he showed up to me, was commendable and I respect him for that.

I will be frank in saying this - he's slow in the court, not technically sound and unfit from a cardiovascular standpoint. But frankly, I don't really care because that was expected. Have any o of you seen a fit and fat guy before? Not likely, right? But he made it a point to show up and to have a good workout. I have to give him credit for that. He was honest enough to say that he probably wouldn't be able to give me a good game but he was determined to lose weight by having a good workout from squash. I was glad he said that because deep down I now know I should reciprocate he's will to lose weight.

Being fat can be embarrassing. I can attest to that because I was fat when I was in primary school right up to mid-secondary school. So much so that my family nickname became "Fats". That nickname still sticks till today despite having lost weight and toned up. Fat people sometimes have peers make them the focal point for a joke because of being fat. It's sad because it can be hurting even though it may be a friendly joke. After all, these people never chose to be fat. I can't think of anyone crazy enough who'd want to be fat!

Therefore, if a fat guy can turn up for squash and tell me he wants to lose weight, I believe I should oblige in helping reach his goal to lose weight and to reciprocate his determination to shape up and move from fat to fit.


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