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It's not about the time, it's not about the money, it's not about the lifestyle, it's about making memories

Caroline graduated with a degree in medical and secured an above average paying job in one of the most renown hospital in the city. She eventually scored a high profile heart operation on one of the country's richest entrepreneurs. Caroline was never lacking in medical cases and she was always busy. 

At 28 years of age, Caroline married to an every-girl's-dream-guy, Mason - handsome, toned body, well mannered, respected his woman type-of-guy architect. Friends and family had only one thing to say to those two love birds - match made in heaven! 

4 years down the road, Caroline and Mason had their first son, Tom. Becoming a parent was anything but easy, especially for first time parents like Caroline and Mason. Everyday was a rush for either one of them to get off work to fetch Tom from Mason's parent's because Caroline's parents were from out of state and Mason's played an active role in a charitable organisation and could not take care of Tom anytime after 6 o'clock in the evening. 

The night after celebrating Tom's first birthday, just before going to bed Caroline spoke to Mason, "Mason, I not sure you are going to agree with me on this but I think I want to be a full time mom to take care of Tom. What do you think?" Mason gave it a thought for a while and said, "Should be okay if that's what you want. We can always work something out. I guess we can hire a maid to handle the housework while you take care of Tom boy." 

"We don't need a maid dear. After all, I know how you always want to keep our privacy and you never liked the idea of having a maid around the house. I should be able to handle the housework. We don't really live in a big house you know!", replied Caroline with a chuckle. 

"If you think that's the right thing to do, we can go with it.", Mason replied respecting Caroline's decision. 

Caroline looked at Mason and said, "Thanks a lot dear. But I know it will be tougher on you since we are going to lose my side of the income. I hope you are okay with it."

Tom reassuringly held Caroline's hands and said , "Of course I am okay with it dear. After all, at Tom boy's age what he needs most is his mother, you. I can work my schedule to spend more time with you two since I can work my project designs from home."

The following day, when close friends and relatives heard about Caroline's decision and resignation, everyone thought she was suffering from post pregnancy depression. Caroline's best friend, Meg asked her over lunch, "Are you sure you are okay, Caroline? I mean you are going to give up your job? You'll forgo all that income and especially now when your career is building. You sure you want to do that?" 

Caroline said, "Thanks for your concern Meg. I am really okay. I am a doctor and I would know if I am suffering from post pregnancy depression. But the thing is, with my parents out of state and clearly inconvenient for them to come down to help take care of Tom and with Mason's parents being active with their charity stuff, there really is no one else to take care of Tom."

Meg shook her head and replied, "Get a nanny or a baby sitter or a maid or something! They can handle Tom."

Caroline replied, "Meg, Tom is my only child at the moment. In my life time there will only be one chance for me to see one year old Tom, then two year old Tom, then three year old Tom and until he grows up. He needs me especially at this young age, and if I miss the time with him now, I will never get it back. I am talking about changing his diapers, cuddling with him to bed, reading him a bed time story to bed, feeding him his milk, playing toys with him, bathing with him. It's a once in a lifetime experience with Tom. I'll never change his diapers again once he passes the diaper age, or feed him his milk. Wouldn't you want to create such lifetime memories like these? I mean I do agree having the high salary does allow my family and I to have a nice lifestyle and all that but it's not worth it."

Meg just sighed and said, "I sure hope you are making the right choice Caroline. I wouldn't forgo a high paying job for anything. If I have to, I'd rather work my timetable to fit my kids."

Caroline just smiled and replied, "That's your way of handling it Meg, not mine. To me, it's more than that. It's not about the time, it's not about the money, it's not about the lifestyle, it's about making memories."


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