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A little help goes a long way....

Back during my primary school days, I didn't get much for pocket money for a day. I think it was a dollar day. But, of course money back then had a higher purchasing power. A dollar a day even during those times were some times hard to get buy and I had to settle for lesser food items because other more luxurious food like canteen chicken rice would cost a dollar fifty. Some days, I'd not spend the money so I can snowball the money for the next day to get a bigger meal during recess.

There was one day, while waiting for my mom to pick me up from school I saw this guy sitting by the roadside. He didn't look like he had any bad intentions, neither did he look like he was really mangy. Although I never really noticed but many of my schoolmates see him around often and he'd be sitting at the same spot by the roadside everytime he's around my school.

On that day when I saw him by himself, sitting by the roadside, I decided to just approach him and ask him why he'd sit there. After all, my mom was going to be late considering she hadn't got there after close to half an hour. So I approached him, "hi uncle, do you come here often?". He replied with a rather sad tone, "no place to go, no one wants me, just another old man by the road my young one.". Innocent as a young boy, I asked, "why is that so uncle?". He gave a long sigh and said, "well, I used to live with a daughter of mine about few years ago until........ until she and my son-in-law thought I was a bother to them.". 

At that young age, I had no idea what he meant and so, I asked, "but don't children like to have their daddy around? I love to have my daddy around!". He looked at me, "well kid, you have the right attitude, remember that always. It's been 8 years and 11 days ever since the day they got rid of me. I am 68 years old this year and I live down by the road there, a young lad rented a room to me and I have been delivering newspapers for 8 years now.".

For some unknown reason, I found myself rummaging through my pockets and I took the dollar I got for that day's expenses and I took out a dollar I saved from yesterday, with a wide grin, "here you go uncle! Take it!". He looked at me, "thank you my young friend, but I can't possibly take your money. You need to eat so you can grow up to be big and strong.". I replied, "nah.... it's okay uncle, just take it. I didn't eat today so you can have it. Go on, take it!". He looked at me for a long time, eyes going red probably close to tears, he said with a very grateful tone, "thank you, thank you. I wish I had a child like you.". 

My mom eventually reached school, and I got in the car gave the old man a wave and went on my merry way back home. The following day when I went to school, the school security guard spoked to me, "hey, I saw you talking to the old man from down the road. That poor chap. I usually have lunch in the same place as he does down the road not far from here. Everyday I see him just eating plain rice and some vege. Yesterday, I saw you giving him some money. Yesterday, for once in years I actually saw him eating more than just plain rice and vege. I am not sure how much you gave him but it is rare to see him eating with a small smile on his face.".

After hearing the words of the security guard, I went to school that morning with my heart bursting with a big heart of happiness inside. I knew I did some good! Ever since the day I spoke to the old man, everytime I saw him sitting at the same spot I'd sit beside him and talk to him. That went on until I left primary school for secondary school. Surprisingly, I never got his name and I never knew why I never asked. 

Looking back, I realise help can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes from all sorts of people. Even the tiniest bit of help can go a long way.................. 


  1. Hey.. that was such a great thing u did!! if only the uncle's kids hv the heart of yours.. =)

    "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around"


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