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Mary Called Magdalene - a novel........

"Of all the women in the Bible, perhaps no one's presence has been as constantly reinterpreted as that of Mary Magdalene. Was she a prostitute? A prophet? In Margaret George's epic historical novel, Mary, Called Magdalene (Geroge's previous subjects include Henry VIII, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Cleopatra), Mary comes alive as one of Jesus' first believers, a woman of infallible visions and a faith that earns her the title "Apostle to the Apostles." With numerous biblical and scholarly texts serving as the core of this intriguing woman's story, George recreates the world of Galilean fishermen and the oppressions of the Jewish people under Roman rule. Cast out from her family after Jesus expels the demons that have ravaged her mind, Mary follows the man from Nazareth until they receive attention from the skeptical hordes and the Roman magistrates controlling Jerusalem.

Mary, from beginning to end of this giant undertaking, is a woman who struggles to reconcile her absence from her young daughter's life with the chance to be part of something important. Through the lens of her ever-inquisitive mind, the story covers the formation of Jesus' ragtag band of disciples and the crucifixion, and ends with Mary's mission as the head of the Christian church in Ephesus, where she died at the age of 90. What makes this a compelling read is that Mary's story connects humanity with faith in a way that's possible to understand, whatever our contemporary beliefs. " ( review).

My take:
Starting off this book, I first felt like this book wasn't as good as George's Cleopatra because at the start it was some what dry with more of a description of Mary's younger life and living in an environment that subdued women from studying scriptures, writing and reading under the religious pretext that God laid such rules. It gave me the impression of reading a women's activist book.

Reading through it, the story picks up when Mary is possessed by a demon which was from an idol doll she picked up when she was a child. For those who are unaware, in the Jewish days any form of dolls or figures are deemed as idols because you are seen as trying to create either a human from from wood or other forms to be worshipped. As the possession worsens Mary is forced into all sort of religious methods to cure herself and at one point she even tried to commit suicide. As she grew weaker, she was further possessed by five demons.

At the brink of giving up hope, she meets Jesus of Nazareth, who releases her from the demonic possession. The book starts to get interest here on because it feels like I am reading the bible but being told in the eyes of Mary Magdalene. As the story unfolds, it leads to the part of Jesus's crucifixion and and ends with Mary's mission as the head of the Christian church in Ephesus, where she died at the age of 90.

This book is by no means offencive to anyone because is does not touch on sensitive issues but one must also be reminded novels are novels and should not be taken too seriously. I enjoyed the book very much and especially how George amalgamated bible scriptures and Mary. It is definitely a good read!


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