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Lesson learnt about car insurance.....

Around KL at least, I am pretty sure there are many who drive cars older than 10 years like myself. In most cases, most of us just end up getting 3rd party insurance coverage for the car since it is old and assumed to be less likely to be stolen.

Friend of mine over the weekend had a bad accident. She owns 1991 Daihatsu Charade, some what like my '88 model but with slightly different signal lamps and equipped with power windows. Anyway, she got careless coming out from a junction and was hit from the side. Because it was her mistake, 3rd party insurance coverage does not cover the damages for her car.

Those who work in KL will know how bad it is to not have a reliable means for transport especially with our 'wonderfully efficient' public transport system. Since she does not know anyone in the car fixing line, she rang me up for some dire help.

Damage of the car:
1. Completely out-of-shape left front fender;
2. Smashed head and side lamps;
3. Damaged front bumper;
4. Front chasis, which has been pushed to the left by about 1 foot;
5. Other bodily deep scratches, which would require some serious respraying; and
6. Out-of-shape bonnet.

Lucky thing for her, because Charades are made in a way whereby only three engine mountings are needed (one in front, one at the back and one on the right), so the left was clear from the engine.

One thing that really boiled my temper was vultures hanging around the police station when she was making a report. Some were offering her 800 Ringgit for her car under the pretext it was too damaged to be restored, some offered exorbitant repair prices.

So I brought her to a mate's place, and sourced out spare parts from some mates of mine. After all the phone calls and negotiations, we managed to get all the respraying and restoring for under RM4500. Mind you, ALL parts are imported original Japanese made Daihatsu parts.

I ended up spending a whole day running around and making phone calls to get my friend the best prices available for her car. Ended up taking emergency leave for it too. Ask me whether it was worth it? When it comes to a friend in need, why should I deny a friend of my help? Poor friend of mine was already close to tears having to see her car get smashed and having to fork out a substantial amount for repairs.

Apparently, there are those who think that having to take emergency leave to help out a friend was stupid and unworthy. Some even say I am unable to prioritise myself for work!

Sad what people miss out in life ain't it? 1. Helping a friend in need is morally correct (unless one forgot what they learnt in high school); 2. Seeing a friend breath a sign of relief because of that helping hand I held out - priceless; 3. In the future, I may be the one in need of help and somewhere out there I know I can count on my friends to help me out even if it is not going to be this friend I helped out this time around; 4. Even if I had to take unpaid leave to help out a friend, I would take it; 5. My faith as a Christian will not allow me to turn my back on people in need of help even if it towards strangers. God never turned His back on my pitiful soul, then why should I turn my back to others? 6. I sure as hell remember my parents teaching me to lend a helping hand to others if I am in a position to help them.

I guess, some Malaysians out there have socially degraded to such a sad extent............


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