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MOVIE - The Brave One

After a long day at work and another session of classes tonight, I decided I had to go something else for the remaining for the Friday. I found myself driving into the night headed for MegaMall and going for a movie. It was nice - no traffic jam, no long queue to get into the parking lot, no need to fight for parking lots and no human traffic in the mall.

Going pretty late for a movie didn't leave me with many choices, so I picked 'The Brave One' since Jodie Foster was acting in it. She is a pretty well known actress so I'd figured it should be pretty good.

The movie revolves around Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) who lives in New York; a place she calls home and a place she makes ends meet. She hosts a radio show called 'Street Wak' sharing the city sounds she records on a daily basis and telling a story about New York. A job she loved, and a fiance David Kirmani (Naveen Andrews) - she couldn't happier.

The happiness all comes to an abrupt end when both of them become victims of a random attack by junkies while walking in a park one night.

Healing from the bodily wounds that left her in coma for three weeks, but struggling to recover from the lost of her fiance and struggling to put things behind leads her to arming herself with a gun. Now she finds herself roaming the streets of New York, which she onces felt comfortable now threatening and dangerous.

Armed with a gun, she finds herself doing a day job with 'Street Walk', at night searching for clues to lead her to her assaulters. In the course of her quest, she kills a few criminals and unknowingly became the mysterious NY vigilante across daily tabloids.

Detective Sean Mercer (Terrence Howard) determined to find the vigilante after piecing the clues together finds himself looking for a woman with a grudge and not a man with a gun.

My take:
Plot is slow moving but with a very moving story to tell - how life can be cruel. The casts were well suited for their roles. Although, I believe the movie would have been a little bit more interesting with some parts were not censored - some part of violence were pretty bad.

If you are looking for something out of the norm, deviating from the common action, romance and comedy; this would be the show.


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