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Michael Crichton - STATE OF FEAR

After finishing his new book, Next I moved on to this book.

From start to finish, I was hooked on to this book and I really felt captivated by this book. I guess, it is probably his background in anthropology that makes him such a good writer. Reading his books always gives me the impression that he is telling the reader, "I make sure I research my materials before embarking on writing this book.".

This book like Next is quasi fact and fiction, which makes it simply so interesting. This day and time, it is hardly possible to find any author as dynamic as him that can amalgamate fact and fiction together.

This book revolves around the danger of politicised science. I am sure all of us are well aware of many environmentalist movements globally and the amount of research being done regarding sustainability and managing the environment. The most prominent environmental problem is of course none other than global warming.

Upon reading this book, global warming may not really exist but it is perceived to exist because of politicised science. With actual references (which I did run a check, courtesy of Google), I have come to realise that the increase in temperature for the past 50 years have not been significant. In addition, the commonly perceived definition that the increase in temperature is mainly caused by urbanisation. However, that is not true because there are many parts of the United States that still face increasing temperatures even with minimal urbanisation.

Most importantly, most globally warming researches have not been truthful about their findings. Most research conclusions were in fact based on simulation. Simulation as per the dictionary - the representation of the behavior or characteristics of one system through the use of another system, esp. a computer program designed for the purpose. In simpler terms, it is as good as guessing. The fact remains is that an informed guess is still a guess!

Most frightening is that many research results are untrue because the results were adjusted to reflect what was to be expected. Let's face it, the field of research is no longer for the purpose of expanding knowledge for the betterment of mankind; only a naive-minded person would presume so. Research has become a commercial movement. Want to know why? Here's why - researches are funded by grants, grants are big money. Grants are more often funded by big conglomerates under the pretext of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Grants given are like money pumped in by venture capitalists. As such, they EXPECT results, therefore scientists give them results. At the end of the day, scientists today want fame and money (although it may not necessarily apply to all).

Today, many environmental sustainability programmes are controlled by government bodies or private entities, which are more concerned about publicity. Even, with some very kind philanthropists that donate huge sums of money for environmental reason, the money is mostly misappropriated for other reasons.

This book mainly evolves around the darker side of today's environmental movements and how science have strayed far from it's original purpose.

Fantastic read, I'd say!
For additional reading - visit for a speech by the author himself. It will surely give you a clearer picture of what I have written about in conjunction with STATE OF FEAR.


  1. i read this one long time ago dude. way before employment. it's a great book i must agree. facts and thrills. you must be a time planner or some shit man. blogging and reading are still ok, but when you add "being an auditor" it's like impossible...hail crichton


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