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two strings, one beautifully knot ~

It's the time of the year! When the girls look into the eyes of their partners, red cheeks blushing, teary eyed, swallow a gulp of saliva, heart beating like a bullet train and sheepishly say, "yes...." to, "Will you marry me......?"

Right this moment, I am seated in a church waiting for the bride and bridegroom to walk in. Having to wake up at 630 in the morning, I am having to focus all my energy to stay awake because I am the best man and ring bearer. Can't be caught sleeping right? Especially when I am seated right in front of the pulpit.

Marriage is when two people become an item for life when both man and woman decide they want to live together for the rest of their lives. Its not something that's decided overnight and its not something that one should take lightly. Its a decision for a lifetime. Personally, I think it can be scary but today, its about two of my friends who decided they want live together for the rest of their lives, loving each other and caring for each other. These two people are Max and Jennifer.

Its a love story that started as early as 14 years ago if I recalled rightly when Max met Jennifer who learned piano from Max's dad, who happens to be my piano teacher as well and that's how I know the both of them. =0) But honestly, I never really knew about the both of them as an item simply because Max hardly spoke of it and I never asked. In fact, it came as a surprised to me when Max told me he was finally going to tie the knot because all these while, I was never really certain if Max ever wanted to get married being so focused about achieving his life goals and constantly aiming for financial freedom. So when Max finally broke the good news to me, I was very happy for him and Jennifer. It was probably one of Max's greatest life's moments.

Jennifer wasn't just an average girl learning music under wings of Max's dad, she has always been the woman behind Max. The one who brought Max back into believing in the faith of his life and God's plans for him. Something so strong that it wasn't just a miracle, it was almost all planned for Max to grow up being close to rebellious against his dad, backsliding for faith, becoming a software developer who decides to become what I would believe as a successful real estate negotiator and finally getting married to Jennifer - his best friend, a pastor, a music and ballet teacher, his wife.

Having known Max for about fifteen years, I think its pretty safe to say I have seen Max matured into who he is now with all the falling down in between to become the man he is now. It may look like something off the silver screen, but I promise you it is true - Max being the black string, who struggled against the will of his father for him to become like every other average joe drawing a pay cheque; Jennifer being the white string, who stayed true to her faith believing that God will provide all that's necessary for her.

When the black and white strings finally met, it was when the 6 steps for a shoelace knot started to bind itself slowly and surely. Now that the knot is tied, it was really a matter of two strings, one beautifully knot......

May Max and Jennifer live happily together from hereon till the very end of the world.


  1. I appreciate your time and thoughts spent on this and I will never forget the day when you are my best man. My wife and I are very grateful for you to be there. Best of pals always. Cheers.


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