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Toughest run so far!

Two days ago, I finally entered into my first 21km run hosted by Energizer after having only competed in the 10km runs thus far. From all the trainings I have been doing to increase my stamina and endurance, I knew it was going to be a different ball game altogether compared to the 10km I have been doing all these while. As it stands, I can do 10km comfortably within 1 hour 10 minutes. But with 21km, I only managed 2 hours 53 minutes.

It's not as simple totaling up two 10km runs because as the distance adds on, stamina reduces, endurance starts to dwindle and it all boils down to mental strength and how much physical pain you can take.

As I went through the run, things really got tougher by the minute when I finally breached my 10km comfort zone. Power Gel came in very handy, deep heat stations (albeit insufficiently places) helped to sooth the cramps in my legs. Throughout the run, my mind kept replaying thought of finishing the entire run and complete it within the 3 hour time limit. It really is no easy feat trying to keep myself going mentally when my whole body was getting tired bit by bit.

The last 800 meters was the most painful and the toughest part yest of the entire run. Both my calves were cramped up right to the hamstring. Feeling pain was quite an understatement for me at that point in time but I kept my mind to it and just kept on sprinting the last 800 meters with the pain in my leg, knowing that I was nearing the finishing line and I was still good to make it below the 3 hour mark.

The moment I passed the line, I immediately when down by the side of the track because my legs had seized up and my head was spinning. To make things worse, the organizers did not put any medics or first aid around the finishing line so I was flat on the ground in pain and not attended to. I was lucky my mate managed to pull one of the medics over.

By the far the toughest run I've had so far. With 21km done, I am planning to graduate to the next level - 30km by end of the year maybe?

On a separate note, I'd come to realize that how important it is to be mentally aware and mentally prepared before going on any arduous task - be it at work or at leisure. Got play hard and work hard in this crazy world we live in I guess.


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