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Showing posts from February, 2011

I call it a life cycle

No matter how smart one is or how gifted one is, there is one thing it can never replace or surpass. In my opinion, that one thing is called experience. It's not a physical mass that exists in this world and neither can you put a value to it. It's simply something you have to hone and pick up as you go. Experience manifests itself very distinctively in one aspect of our daily lives - our workplace. Every working day, is like a demonstration of experience by those around me - demonstrating the what, how, why and when in performing their duties. Believe me, you can find really amazingly capable people! On the flip side however, you will also find that those who are not so amazing but then again, granted given that not everyone are born into this world to do amazing things. Yesterday, my boss told me something quite interesting. We were discussing about some project and the topic about technical knowledge was brought up. Like any other office, even my workplace cannot avoid water ...

it's all in the head or is it really?

This evening marks another bad squash day to the recently string of bad squash days. Over the past few months, I have been playing squash that's close to garbage despite feeling physically good about myself after having been running on a fairly consistent basis to build my cardiovascular tolerance. Only problem is, my game play has dropped almost like I simply can't get into my game, my usual style like I have lost my zing for the game. Despite people telling me losing a squash match is nothing and what matters most is the exercise, I can't seem to forgive myself for losing in a such an unfashionable manner. It's irritating, especially when you lose to a guy almost twice your age and when you used to beat him months ago. After having lost the match, I had to ask him how on earth has been able to keep up with me and now surpassed me altogether. He reply was quite startling actually. "You are probably feeling frustrated and irritated with yourself, no?" "Er...

joyous moment of being a papi

Slightly under a month ago, a friend of mine finally became a dad. Yups! He's now officially a papi ! A title limited to only those who qualify - that is you have to be married first. Although under limited circumstances some people become fathers even before marriage but that's not what I want to write about. He had a slightly different experience when it came to his kid. The birth of his little boy was through an induced child birth because he was going overdue if he didn't pop out then. I was curious and I had a good conversation with him trying to find out what he felt throughout the process of the birth of is little boy, D (for anonymity reasons). It was almost 11 hours before little D took his first breath in this world. That would mean his mom had to endure slightly below 11 hours worth of labour pain whilst giving birth to him. Although this does not translate to 11 hours worth of trying to push the baby out. In that 11 hours, a lot of things happen. I can't rem...

plucking apples?

Recently, I knew of someone who decided to quit her job and go on a journey to New Zealand under the working holiday visa. That means you go around New Zealand plucking apples, peeling clams, pluck grapes and do all sorts of other part time jobs to earn your keep, legally that is. At first it sounded cool. I mean, going to a foreign country for a holiday and at the same time getting to work to cover your sustenance. Almost like living a dream vacation! But a thought came to my mind, is it really going to be fun plucking apples in a different country? To the extent that an executive level person can decide to drop everything and go on an apple plucking trip, it must seem like something of a whole new level. I am not here to say that her decision was wrong or whether she could do something else with her life. I am just trying to jot down the thoughts in my head. It's a random thought but I am wondering why should one go to a different country on a vacation but at the same time work p...