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at the hospital~

Four days in the hospital was an interesting observational experience. You see all sorts of people in the hospital. All that observation came from walking the corridors of the hospital, sitting in the quiet corner of Starbucks while waiting for my latte-to-go to be ready, walking to the hospital's convenient store to get the daily newspaper. The auditory and visual senses of one's body are truly amazing when it comes to seeing and hearing what goes around you.

For some personal reasons, I had to be at the hospital everyday since last Thursday. While I was there, I really think it was an eye opening experience.

For instance, I met a Buddhist monk who goes there on a daily basis with a laptop and pays for an ice blended mocha with a credit card, while offering prayers to those who requests for prayers. I also got acquainted with two very friendly and good-serving Starbucks baristas named Daniel and Roshan. I also got to experience the advancement of medical technology that now cater for the differing demands of the patients' medical conditions. Up till last Thursday, I only knew of the intensive care unit, commonly know as the ICU. But now, there is even a CCU, coronary care unit and a HDU, high dependency unit. Maybe these are normal units for those in the know. I for one had no bleeding idea such units ever existed in the first place. Above all else, I was really impressed by how far technology has taken the medical fraternity.

Most importantly about the hospital, I must take off my hat to the nurses who work there. They are a group of amazing people who work really hard to take care of the patients there. Being a nurse is no easy job. I see them working in a high tension environment especially during operations. In the wards, they see to the needs of patients making sure they are fine. In addition, I think it takes a lot of patience in the line of duty. It's not easy having to take care of patients who are, for example immobile. One of the afternoons when I was passing one of the wards, I smelled a really strong stench of discreet. Apparently a patient in one of the wards had to pass motion in a diaper, and I saw the nurse going in to clean him up. I could have sworn if I stayed a minute longer, I'd probably pass out from the strong stench and yet the nurse withstood the smell and did what was necessary. Truly respectable dedication!

When we think hospital, we usually think about doctors. Unknown to many, nurses play a pivotal part in making sure patients are taken care of. No doubt doctors diagnose and treat the sick but it is the nurses who ensure the patients are in stable condition and that the patients get their medication on time and with the correct dosages. After all, when a patient presses the little "bell" button by the bed side, it is the nurses who attend to the patient first.

I personally think the hospital is a place where the medical brains reside along with the nurses who show empathy and dedication, and in rare instances you may find an ice blended drinking, laptop carrying monk who offers prayers to those who need it.... :)


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