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What if?

Life for many of us out there is good. Lifestyle of today's society and the lifestyle of society 10 years ago is a different paradigm altogether. Gross income per capita across the globe has since doubled, tripled or even possibly multiplied a few times over. With better earning power, people spend more these days too. You, me and a good majority of people out there do not hesitate to pamper ourselves with things we can afford because we tell ourselves, "We deserve it!"

But, what if..........

What if you wake one morning to a phone call from your boss telling you that you are fired?

What if one day after a medical checkup, your doctor tells you you've got a serious cancer and only have 2 months to live?

What if one day you start to lose your ability to see?

What if one day you meet a car accident and lose all ability waist-down?

What if one day you lose all every penny in a bad investment?

What if one day you get evicted from your dream home after failing to meet the loan repayment deadline, despite fervently working hard to meet the payments?

There are many "what ifs" in our lifetime, so much so that it is impossible to ever try to plan for these "what ifs". Ironically, when we stumble on a "what if" that becomes a reality, accepting it becomes difficult, almost impossible.

What you end up with is probably having to live with a lot of anger, hate, regret, bitterness. Some nights you probably can't sleep, some days you just can't down any food, sometimes you feel like your chest is being squeezed from the inside that breathing becomes difficult, or like having a boulder on your shoulder.

Anyone who reads this will definitely say this - "Happen to me? Impossible!" or "I am strong, I'll bounce back!". Easier said than done.

Before having to encounter a "what if", go on and say, "I love you" to your loved one. Better still, give them a big hug! Be thankful that you have clothes to wear, food to eat, water to bathe in, a pair of shoes to wear, a table lamp to read your book, opportunity to further your education.

One minute too late could leave you regretting it for the rest of your life........ think about it


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