"Emotion is okay as long as you realise it is not who you are. Whatever it is makes you sad or mad, it is nothing. It is just emotion. When we believe our emotions are who we really are, we connect with an identification of the past, instead of the reality of today."
Those were the words muttered to me by a very close friend of mine about two weeks ago. I am not sure if he read it off a book or it was simply philosophy-at-the-spur. I found it difficult to comprehend. It was confusing, to say the very least.
Few weeks ago, I was a ravaged piece of human flesh who was clueless and sinking in a plehtora of emotions ranging from anger to hate to regret. I think I had to go through one of the worst moments in my life. A moment in my life that spelt out the words, "We dismiss your appeal."
Simple words that sent me spiralling below ground zero emotionally and mentally. It was a blow so hard I simply could not swallow. Simply a chunk to big for me to swallow!
"How did we go wrong?" "Could we have made any difference had we had more time?" "Was there more I could have done to turn things around?" "Was it really out of our control?", those were the thoughts going over and over in my mind to the point it was an intemperance.
All wounds heal, and so I am beginning to heal albeit at a pace much slower. Wounds of the heart are always the slow ones to heal.
Right here, right now, we a clearer mind, I am now beginning to make sense of what my friend had told me. I always thought our emotions make up who we are and what we do. Naturally, that's how I thought of it since when I am happy, I smile. Likewise, if I am sad, I'd cry.
But if one were to look at it in isolation, emotions form part of us, and emotions like my friends said - it is just emotion. Nothing more nothing less.
More often than not, we'd find that we do silly things when under the influence of our emotions. Think about our younger days, days when our moms scold us and we end up stomping our feet on the staircase and just slamming the room door behind us. Some get so worked up, they just feel like throwing anything they can grab. That's what emotions can do to us.
The moment "we believe our emotions are who we really are, we connect with an identification of the past, instead of the reality of today." In the end, we will not be able to let go of the past.........
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