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Showing posts from July, 2009

the people around~

Where I work, I get to see, witness and feel the vibes of many brilliant people (with the exception of myself). In this small department I work in, exists a small group of people who are really good at what I do. The sort of people who know what they are doing, knowing where to start, steady and simply having their mojo working (with the exception of myself............. again). One word to sum up what I feel most of the time at work "CLUELESS" or "BLUR" Kidding people isn't what I am trying to do right here. What I say is the truth and nothing but the truth. After all, I have nothing to hide. =) In a car race, the one trailing usually gets the benefit since he gets to see the driving style and techniques of the one ahead of him. With work and life, it is quite the opposite. Trailing behind everyone else is anything but good. It's like trailing behind a a bus running on diesel in a traffic jam. Too much exhaust is far from good for your car. So here I am hit...


-------------------------------------------------------------- "Emotion is okay as long as you realise it is not who you are. Whatever it is makes you sad or mad, it is nothing. It is just emotion. When we believe our emotions are who we really are, we connect with an identification of the past, instead of the reality of today." --------------------------------------------------------------- Those were the words muttered to me by a very close friend of mine about two weeks ago. I am not sure if he read it off a book or it was simply philosophy-at-the-spur. I found it difficult to comprehend. It was confusing, to say the very least. Few weeks ago, I was a ravaged piece of human flesh who was clueless and sinking in a plehtora of emotions ranging from anger to hate to regret. I think I had to go through one of the worst moments in my life. A moment in my life that spelt out the words, "We dismiss your appeal." Simple words that sent me spiralling below ground zero emo...

What if?

Life for many of us out there is good. Lifestyle of today's society and the lifestyle of society 10 years ago is a different paradigm altogether. Gross income per capita across the globe has since doubled, tripled or even possibly multiplied a few times over. With better earning power, people spend more these days too. You, me and a good majority of people out there do not hesitate to pamper ourselves with things we can afford because we tell ourselves, "We deserve it!" But, what if.......... What if you wake one morning to a phone call from your boss telling you that you are fired? What if one day after a medical checkup, your doctor tells you you've got a serious cancer and only have 2 months to live? What if one day you start to lose your ability to see? What if one day you meet a car accident and lose all ability waist-down? What if one day you lose all every penny in a bad investment? What if one day you get evicted from your dream home after failing to meet the ...