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the cost of having kids!

While having breakfast before starting my day at work yesterday morning, the idea that I just sat for my last exam paper a few days ago set in and it hit me that I have spent about 3 and a half years doing my degree and another 2 and a half doing my post-graduate professional qualification.

Naturally, my mind decided to take a drive down memory lane thinking about all the money my parents have spent on me. With all humility, I'll gladly declare my parents could have saved a lot more money had they decided not to have me!

Let's do some math here on the cost of having a child during the first year. Bear in mind, I am thinking out loud estimating the costs. Here goes:

Housing - RM3,000
Food - RM1,000
Transportation - RM1,000
Clothing - RM600
Health care - RM800
Miscellaneous - RM500
TOTAL - RM6,900

Judging from the figures above, I think it's safe to say that I probably have underestimated the cost. But let's not forget, that amount compounds as the child grows. We can clearly see why children come with a hefty price tag! Not to mention, it's a price tag for the long term!

Studying for my degree locally already cost my parents close to RM60,000, tuition fees alone. Let's all assume it takes on average up to RM300,000 until the day the child leaves home. RM300,000 can get you a lot desirable items.

But there's more! Here's why you get more bang for your buck when you have a child:

For RM300,000 you get:
1. to name the child;
2. more love than your heart can hold;
3. flying kisses and Velcro hugs;
4. a hand to hold, albeit probably covered with chocolate, jelly or even saliva.

For RM300,000 you get to be young again:
1. watching Sunday cartoons with your child;
2. play peekaboo!
3. count stars;
4. be Santa Claus, without being called an idiot.

That's not all! You get to be a hero:
1. putting bandaid on a cut;
2. fixing a broken toy;
3. mending a hole in the favourite bolster;
4. retrieving a kite from a neighbourhood tree.

In addition, you get to be the first person to witness the:
1. first step;
2. first word;
3. first pair of undies;
4. first date; and
5. first time behind the wheel of the family car.

Some incidental benefits includes you being immortalised through the possibility of a never ending growth in the family tree branches - blessed with grandchildren, great grandchildren!

In addition, in the eyes of a child, you are their number 1 person - you are the one who chases away the boogey man under the bed or inside the closet, patch a broken heart, advise on career paths, help with math homework, and love them with all your heart.

You'll get to all those stuff so that someday they too will love without counting the cost, and love with all the heart.

Isn't it one hell of a deal for the price? :) Have a nice day!

Creative Commons License
~Path of Time~ by Micky Foo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License


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