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DJ Pi - Trance Empire Vol. 34 (Unleashed Heartbeat)

01. Epos - Adagio Espressivo (Magic Island mix)
02. Cloudwalker - Crystalizer
03. Aboutblank Feat Mque - Active Side (Paul Vinitsky Dub)
04. Digital Sense - Look At Heaven
05. Plastic Angel - Try Walking In My World
06. Acute - Citadel (Sindre Eide Remix)
07. Tragida , Azure Sunset - T Tide (Simple Tide Mix)
08. Darius - Eklipse (Sjlver DJ Feat Tragid Mix)
09. Above & Beyond Pres. Tranquility Base - Oceanic (Sean Tyas Mix)
10. 3rd Moon - Meltdown
11. Existone - Seven Nights
12. Thr3sh0ld - Timeless
13. Epic Journey - Silent Tears (D Gate Mix)

01. Tragida - Elisabeth (Natlife Mix)
02. Sequentia - Sun Worship
03. Abbott & Chambers - Never After (Preijers & Hercules Mix)
04. Mike Nichol - Durado
05. Mindsoundscapes - Evangelion (Fischer & Miethig Mix)
06. Tetrazone - Alphalux (Static Blue Mix)
07. Aeden - Distant Memories
08. Sean Tyas - Drop (Reaves & Ahorn Mix)
09. Stuart Heasty - Aventis
10. Simon Patterson - We'll See
11. Ben Gold - Roll Cage (Aly and Fila Mix)
12. Algarve - The Longest Journey (Alex Morph Mix)

Released in October 2007, I finally got a good chance to really sit down and listen to the mix completely. After listening to both CDs back-to-back I was left breathless at the beautiful blend of songs put into the mix.

CD1 started slowly with Epos - Adagio Espressivo, which was true to its literal meaning of expressively slow. The sounds of the strings were beautiful used in this song, and it gradually introduced the bass. Imagine a waiter just taking away the appertiser once you are done to bring forth the main course to you. The entire CD1 gave sound to a blend of songs filled with emotions and passion. Masterfully blended bass lines by DJ Pi gave the mix a smooth continuation and listening pleasure. Overall, the underlining theme of the first CD was more inclined on the piano and strings for the melodies of the songs. Graceful yet energetic!

CD2, the very first moment the mix starts you can already feel the energetic pump of the bass line. In this mix, the theme of 'Unleasehed Heartbeat' is really felt with the continuous energy felt in the mix. Main disctinction from CD1, is the seriousness of this mix. In CD1 there was more of a graceful and flowing melody. In CD2, you could tell the mix was exerting moving melodies and powerful bass lines. In the car, I get a pretty good high listening to this mix while driving (and yes.... I am still concentrating on the road in case you are wondering).

This time around, DJ Pi did not make any CD covers for this mix...... wierd considering he always does make covers for his mixes. As soon as the covers are out, I will make sure to load it here.

For more information and to download, visit DJ Pi's official website


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