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Holiday, but not a holiday?

It is supposed to be a public holiday today, but unfortunately not for me. Simply because I still have classes to attend to. I guess this is one of the perils of being a part time student while working. Trying to wake up this morning was a dreadful experience (talk about cold starts!). Setting the alarm at 8am, I kept on snoozing the alarm right up to 8:30am, and that's when I realise I really had to get up to avoid being late. After all the hussle of cleaning up and dressing up, I managed to make it on time to class. I was surprised how blur I felt even though I slept a relatively earlier time the night before, about 12:30am (compared to like 1 to 2am during the other days). Then again, the incoherence of thought could be the product of continuous late nights and insufficient rest *sigh*. Tomorrow is a Friday (one day before the weekend), but I am quite indifferent about it, after all I still have to attend audit class on the Saturday and another round of business tax class on Sunday. However, looking at the bright side I guess I should be thankful I still have time to see VC often.

Tomorrow it is back to work, working on two different engagements for the same client. Once again, I must admit it is not easy but I think I am learning something. Since, these two engagements are to some extent different in nature. Looking at it from the brighter perspective really does keep me motivated a bit. For the time being, being motivated a bit is sure as hell better than not being motivated at all. Besides, I have to make sure I do well. Not so much for myself, but for VC as well. After all, if I cannot be succesful I will not be able to provide for a secure future. Yes, yes... I may be thinking too far but I think it is important for me to know where I am headed or at least know where I want head for the foreseeable future. No point working and just hoping to survive! I do not want to be just sitting around and just say, "I am happy with my monthly pay check!". Successful people as far as I can observe, set goals, work towards their goals and yet ensure they have enough time for other things. Thinking about it, it is indeed true! One cannot be successful simply based on riches. A person can be rich, and I am talking about really rich and yet spend 75% of his day in the office and hardly have time for other things (i.e. family). Would that be considered as successful? I think not! Unlike someone that is really rich yet, is able to go home and have time to just spend some quiet time with his loved one (i.e. girlfriend, kids, wife). I personally view the latter as constituting success. Or in a simpler term - balanced life.

Talking about success, I see many, many people high up having so much zeal and passion for what they do despite the toughness! I am for one really awed by their ability to maintain such high level of interest in what they do. Really! At this point in time, I am simply trying to break down the factors that produce the sort of zeal I can see in them. After all, one can never go far not liking a job one is doing. How is it they maintain such level of passion? Is it the money? Is it the nature of the job (although I highly doubt it considering about of work done and how tedious the job is in the auditing line)? I view this people with utmost respect and admiration. I truly want to be able to reach that level - but first I need to figure out how they do it. Clearly the bottom line that I can draw from this is that one must always strive to work hard yet smart, and not just relying purely on working hard.


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