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Showing posts from January, 2007

Holiday, but not a holiday?

It is supposed to be a public holiday today, but unfortunately not for me. Simply because I still have classes to attend to. I guess this is one of the perils of being a part time student while working. Trying to wake up this morning was a dreadful experience (talk about cold starts!). Setting the alarm at 8am, I kept on snoozing the alarm right up to 8:30am, and that's when I realise I really had to get up to avoid being late. After all the hussle of cleaning up and dressing up, I managed to make it on time to class. I was surprised how blur I felt even though I slept a relatively earlier time the night before, about 12:30am (compared to like 1 to 2am during the other days). Then again, the incoherence of thought could be the product of continuous late nights and insufficient rest *sigh*. Tomorrow is a Friday (one day before the weekend), but I am quite indifferent about it, after all I still have to attend audit class on the Saturday and another round of business tax class on Sun...

Sliding back from back sliding!

Just a while ago when I first started work, motivation was at an all time low. And I mean really low - down the drain. Four months into my work, I can now feel bit by bit, some form of motivation creeping back into my system. Although I must admit, it is not really high but I think I am slowly but surely getting some motivation. Things are going pretty smooth, even in terms of my study time. I am making time to do some tutorials over my lunch (for the audit subject). And when I get home, or go to VC's place I do some tax revision and practise questions to get myself going. I totally admit, when I first started getting into my job I was a tad too confident and I underestimated the difficulty in trying to manage time for work, studies and play. I definitely suffered and I still am, only difference is that I am picking myself back up this time around. Somehow, my footing does not feel sturdy yet, but I intend to firm up! __________________...

Sigh of relief~~

Getting off work early and seeing VC safe and sound but with some cuts and bruises really made me feel a lot better! My entire day of worry was at last subdued. I guess now I realise how my parents felt everytime I returned home injured and bleeding from my bicycle accidents - not a nice sight! All in all, I can only give out a big sigh of relief! Thank God, she did not suffer any major injuries. *phew*

Social degradation?

This morning started off fine, I was highly motivated and feeling optimistic about the day ahead of me. That however, did not last long. Two hours into my work I get a disturbing sms from VC through her friend's handphone informing me she had been a victim of a snatch thief. When I phoned, her friend Haris told me she was in the process of making a police report and she suffered some minor injuries. Still, I am very worried about her condition now. My senior has allowed me to leave work earlier today to see how VC is doing later today. As we walk further into time, and advancing in terms of technology and standard of living we are supposed to have a better life and improved social standards. Why are criminal rates increasing, and why would people come down to commiting such crimes. Does their conscience not feel any guilt for hurting an innocent person? Have they ever thought how it would feel if it were them who became the victim of a snatch thief? Not only snatch thief cases but ...

A free Sunday since I started working!

Not having to attend class today really felt good, since I had the whole day free and not spend half a day in class listening to lectures. Today was well spent relaxing with VC playing badminton with friends! I must admit though, I played really horribly. Having see the shuttle coming, I try to hit it using squash strokes (which obviously did not work!). Although I did not play well, but I managed to sweat quite a fair bit, which I am happy about considering I have not been able to play squash ever since I started work. Besides having a bit of exercise, I had a good laugh at how badly I played! Besides fun, I had some time for some serious matters. The serious matters concerned my tutorial questions for the audit subject which I am taking for my ACCA course. Sadly, things did not run well. Having looked at the question and attempting the questions I found that I could not really answer the questions because the questions are structured in a way that it forces you to try to related what...

~A day of inspiration~

Waking up in the morning, feeling blur and tired from the week's accumulated workload it definitely took me a while to get into my usual rhythm. It was definitely a slow warm-up day for me considering the weather was very nice today (not too cold and not too hot!). Eventually my engine warmed up and started off my day with having brunch with VC. :) After lunch, dropping VC off as she had some plans, I went for my weekend classes. Like most of my Saturdays I just attend my class in hope to learn something. But today, it is slightly special! Somehow or rather I felt more motivated than usual. Having made time to do my homework the lecturer gave us, and having the lecturer say my work was satisfactory really made my day a lot brighter. At the end of the class the lecturer just said, "you are doing good, keep it up and continue your hard work!". That really meant a lot to me. Since class finished at 8pm, there really was not remaining to my Saturday, so me and VC decided to c...

Me, trance and other side projects....

Submerged in vocal trance through my headphones, I enter my own world and peace comes to my mind and body. A barrier that separates me from the rish-rash of the working world, helps me keep my concentration on what I am working on. On top of that, it does to some extent keep me awake. :P Talking about trance, during my free time I am an amateur DJ at home. For those interested, visit: I am also currently maintaining a blog for environemental awareness. You can visit: ______________________________________________________________

........Serenity today.........

After going through a stiff day yesterday, today is far cry..... working alone sometimes has its benefits. Colleague was seconded to another client today leaving the whole room to myself. It is just my laptop, my headphone (playing vocal trance by none other than my favourite dj, Dj Doboy) and my work. How's that for peace? I am slowly beginning to settle in with my work, considering I was actually mentally struggling to keep up with what I was doing. Now I am feeling a lot more composed and collected in my mind. I guess, it all boils down to how one needs to motivate oneself. I am really glad! Of course, most of my support came from VC as well. And that, made a lot of difference! ______________________________________________________________ Few more days left, and we will be ushering in the month of February. Time does indeed fly! Just like I had promised myself during the start of this year, I have made up a list of points which requires some improvement in myself. At this point...

A day of tests for me.....

The day started of fine actually. Going through the same old routine of waking up-prep-off to work. Things took a pretty bad turn as work progressed. However, things got only worse at that point when we realised the client was not going to be helpful in helping us solve the issue. So then I was thinking, "as expected I supposed....clients never like to help auditors afterall.". Then, I figured I am sure I can work a solution out with my team mate. Sadly and regretfully, the answer was no. We could not see eye to eye on trying to solve the issue. The more I get into the engagement of work, I am beginning to see that work is not really that technical once you can break things down to smaller bits. However, work is more of a people thing. These days, I find more trouble trying to understand the people involved in the job that I do. Approach the client in the wrong way and you simply cannot get what you want from them! Same thing goes with colleagues! Currently, I am left with a ...

Quick update.........

Having graduated last year in August and taking a break in Australia visiting my brother for a month, I really felt good about everything. Things just got better after that, having landed a job at Ernst & Young! :) Aaaaaahhhhh.... how fast time actually goes by! Passing the 10th of January 2007, I have already been working for 3 months. The feeling of getting older and learning new things everyday at work brings about a feeling of satisfication. Although, work is generally tough and tedious (what do you expect in the auditing line?). I must admit though, when I fast started off I did feel demotivated and some what unhappy with the job having to go back home at 3am and back to work by 8am the next day. I did think about quitting at that time........ :( However, a miracle happened to me! That miracle brought along a girl named Vern Cheng. Without her support, I would have struggled a lot more. After work, just seeing her brings about a feeling of happiness and a feeling of being cont...

1st posT! :)

1st post to set this blog off! Welcome to ~Path of Time~, inspired by the upcoming film Apocalypto. Like all life forms we walk in time, into the future, hence the name ~Path of Time~. :) This blog is dedicated to helping me keep in touch with people I don't often meet due to circumstances (e.g. work..... etc).