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planting the correct seed

About 9 years ago, when I was still undergoing intensive squash training, I remember how much I used to get so much problems even learning and getting the drop shots right. It either I hit it one inch below the tin or a whole one foot above the tin. Either way, no one could call it a good drop shot.

Calling it was frustrating would be an understatement because I used to put in back breaking hours after back breaking hours to try to get it right. It reached a point when I got so fed up with getting it wrong so often I used to break my racquet by smashing it on the ground or the wall out of pure frustration and anger. Thank God, racquets at that time were either free or subsidized.

There was one evening when I just threw the racquet on the ground, looked at my coach and said, "I don't think I am ever going to get the damn drop right!".

He let out a sigh and then said, "That's probably why you are not getting the shot right."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Before you have even taken the shot, you are already telling yourself you are not going to get it right."

"That's just what's going on in my mind. Doesn't necessarily translates into my actions."

"Really? What part of your body sends the signal to your hand to control the racquet then?"

"My brain."

"So now do you think what you think translates into what you do and who you are?"

I kept quiet and bitterly knew he made sense and was probably correct.

He broke the silence and said, "Look, I know you are frustrated with learning the drop. Its never easy for someone like you has a natural upper body swing for squash because that means you naturally put in a lot of power into your shots, which is good for drives but then becomes unnatural for drop shots simply because your follow through is too strong.

But at the end of the day, no one is perfect. Even professionals make mistake at their level but they probably put in double the time you are working on your drop shots to get their drops inch perfect. Jonathan Power, the former world number 1 had a 2 to 4 hour sessions specially to work for his drop shots.

At the end of the day, you have to keep telling yourself that it can be done. If pros can do it, I can do it, other people can do it, why can't you? There has to be a reason - technique. And that's the very same reason why I am your coach - to correct those mistakes no matter how long it took me so that I can make you a stronger player.

You have all the power needed to hit the ball hard and straight but you still need a soft side for the game if you are going to win games without putting too much strain on you body.

But right now, before I can start fixing your technique, you need to change your mindset. Right now, even before you play the drop shot, you are already telling yourself that it is going to go wrong and trust me, it will go wrong because the very seed planted in your mind is for it to go wrong.

If you want to your shot right, you going to have to start planting the right seed in your mind. What I mean is that you have to start imagining yourself lunging for the ball, feet planted solid on the ground, imagine the feel of the ball bouncing of your racquet face and seeing the ball bouncing of the front wall inch perfect!

All you need is some believe in yourself....... plant the right seed and eventually you'll get it right..."

I took it all in, continuously trying to believe in myself. Eventually I got it right..... Now, I ironically find myself telling some of my colleagues the same thing in the context of work and to those who ask me to coach them at squash.

Simple as it seems, planting the right seed from the beginning can make a hell of a difference.


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