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She had faith in him....

If it was a dream, he sure would like to have wake up from it. There was an excruciating pain in his left leg. As Mac walked out from the convenient shop after getting a loaf of bread, a car had smashed right into him and clipped him against a lorry parked in front of the convenient shop. The car had clipped his left leg. He couldn't feel anything else except the pain in his left leg, it was the longest 15 minutes of his life as he waited for an ambulance and the fire brigade to untangle the wreckage to free his left leg.

By the time he was freed from the wreckage, it was at least another hour's worth of pain. Mac had lost a lot of blood and he had to undergo a 4 hour surgery and a lot of blood transfusion to keep him alive. Having lost both parents to a car accident, there was no one else around him except for his girlfriend, Alice.

When he finally regained consciousness, he found Alice beside him and he noticed there wasn't any feeling in his left leg knee down. That's when reality sank in and he realised his left leg was amputated knee down. He went crazy not knowing how to react. He flipped and started throwing whatever he could get his hands on while Alice tried to calm him down. The doctor had to rush in to inject Mac with a depressant to knock him out for a while.

Alice didn't know what to do to help Mac. That one leg he lost, was more important to him than anything else because he was a professional athlete who runs marathons. It was his livelihood.

As the days went by, Mac eventually calmed down but it was still evident that he could not accept the fact that he had lost the very means of making a living. Depression was seeping in and Alice soon found herself fighting an uphill battle trying to keep Mac from giving up on living. Day by day Alice visited Mac after work, sometimes bringing work to the hospital and worked while she kept Mac company. She was afraid Mac might do something crazy if he was left alone too long.

When it was finally time to start his physiotherapy, Alice fought hard to encourage him to go for the physiotherapy sessions. She stayed by him making sure he underwent the therapy sessions fully. The therapist had to make sure Mac got used to the prosthetic leg. She could tell in the look in his eyes Mac detested the idea of having to put on a prosthetic leg but all she could do was to encourage him and keep him from giving up on himself. Every night she cried from the exhaustion and fatigue of being there for Mac but she refused to give up.

Eventually Mac got used to his new leg and started walking around quite normally but the whole process took Mac close to a year. It was one year of agonizing pain from therapies upon therapies. One year of heartaches. One year of self pity and one long year being a pain for Alice.

That day when he finally got home, as he entered the front door, Mac dropped all his bags and turned to Alice, tears in his eyes, he hugged her tightly. As he hugged her, he kept on saying, "I am so sorry Alice, so sorry................". Mac knew he had Alice to thank for. She had always been at his side throughout the whole ordeal and never gave up on him. She had faith in him, more than a beach got sand. It was that faith in him, that helped him recover for the shock of losing a leg and it was that same faith in him that kept Alice by his side...........


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