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the price of love ~ take 1

Ever wondered if love came with a price tag? Little Mikey did.

Little Mikey was a curious little boy. His inquisitiveness has led him to many experiences, although some not so admirable like the time he once ate an earth worm simply Nat Geo said it was edible.

Little Mikey was a little different from other 5 year olds. Little Mikey was born an orphan, having been left in front of church one Saturday night without any form of identification. He was less fortunate in that he never really got a chance to feel what it was to have parents or even have siblings around him.

So everyday when he walks himself to kindergarten one block away from the orphanage he lives in, he constantly wonders what it's like to have a mother and father. He quietly observes all his peers going to kindergarten with either their mom or dad beside them. Mikey really wanted to know if it ever felt different having a mom and dad, and he really wanted to know if there was anyway to experience it.

One evening while watching the television at the orphanage, he came across a television advertisement. It was pet shop advertisement, "Feeling lonely? Need a furry friend? Buy yourself some love today and get yourself a dog!"

After witnessing the commercial, little Mikey scurried back to his room and took out his piggy bank. He emptied the piggy bank full of coins into his two little hands and walked out to look for the orphanage caretaker, Peggy.

"Peggy, Peggy, the tv said I could buy love. Is this enough to buy some mommy daddy love?", little Mikey looked up to Peggy with both his hands filled with coins.

Peggy looked at Mikey.......

"Mikey, you can't buy love"

"But the tv said I could!"

"Mikey, love isn't something you or I can buy because you don't need money to buy love. Love is free. I love you Mikey. I may not be your mother and I don't need to be your mother to love you. All of you in this orphanage are my little children I love."

"But you don't walk me to school..."

"Silly Mikey..... You should have told me. Mikey boy, loving you doesn't only mean walking you to school. It means caring for you, making sure you have a clean bed rid of bed buggies for you to sleep on, making sure you have sweet dreams when you sleep every night, making sure you have your favourite cereals in the morning. Love is about making sure little Mikey today becomes big, tall and handsome Mikey in the years to come. There's no price to love you!"

Isn't love simply great?


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