Ned couldn't help staring at her. Simply couldn't take his eyes from her. Ned couldn't help but feel that she is the most beautiful thing in thing in the world. Sadly, he could only look from behind the glass panel for the girl he was staring at is his pre-maturely born daughter, Sara. She was on life support and placed under the incubator to keep her going. As much as he wanted to cuddle her in his arms, it was simply not possible. Not until Sara was considered to be in stable condition by the doctor. Ned could only wait and pray to God. Since Sara was given birth to the night before, Ned had only one thing in his mind - Sara. While Ned waited by the ICU for Sara to get stronger, he could see happy parents with their newborns. It broke his heart knowing that he couldn't carry Sara like how the other parents could. Three days in the ICU, Sara still showed no signs of improvement and Ned was starting to get worried about her situation. The doctor felt sorry for Ned and d...
My journey through time.... the Path of Time penned down...