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Showing posts from January, 2010

take a look through my eyes.......

Ned couldn't help staring at her. Simply couldn't take his eyes from her. Ned couldn't help but feel that she is the most beautiful thing in thing in the world. Sadly, he could only look from behind the glass panel for the girl he was staring at is his pre-maturely born daughter, Sara. She was on life support and placed under the incubator to keep her going. As much as he wanted to cuddle her in his arms, it was simply not possible. Not until Sara was considered to be in stable condition by the doctor. Ned could only wait and pray to God. Since Sara was given birth to the night before, Ned had only one thing in his mind - Sara. While Ned waited by the ICU for Sara to get stronger, he could see happy parents with their newborns. It broke his heart knowing that he couldn't carry Sara like how the other parents could. Three days in the ICU, Sara still showed no signs of improvement and Ned was starting to get worried about her situation. The doctor felt sorry for Ned and d...

he never said anything

I knew one guy who grew up without a mother. Never had the chance to grow up with one in fact because she died during his child birth. Let's just call him Pat for the sake of allowing me to maintain the anonymity of this person. Another thing about Pat that I remember vividly is the fact that he grew up hating his father. I never really knew why he hated his father so badly but I knew there had to be a reason behind it. Pat finally opened up to me a few years back over a casual drink one night. He sat down at the bar staring blankly at his glass of whiskey and said, "having known me for over 5 years, you are probably wondering why I hate my old man so much right?" "Hey Pat, if you don't want to talk about it, you can drop it. No biggie man." "It's alright, I am cool with you. My old man has never spoken a word about my mother to me. Never. Not even when I reached 21 early this year. Every time I asked him about mom, he'd change the subject. For ...

my new year's eve~

It was a simple lunch with a mate of mine down at The Gardens, Midvalley on new year's eve. It was a great catching up session - talking, laughing, simply catching up on lost time. I even got myself The Castle Omnibus trilogy series written by Steph Swainston that was recently published. I was all happy, ready go home, really excited to get a taste of the new book I just purchased. At the same time, I was dying to take a leak having had such a long lunch and a Starbucks session with my mate, Max. So I ran along to the nearest toilet, did what I had to do and came out set to head straight to the parking lot. As I walked out, this guys walks up to me in a panicky state and jittery state, and starts saying, "You have to help me! I... I... lost my daughter, you have to help me find her, please." He places his hand slightly above his knee, "She about this tall, with a blue jacket over a white dress." I could see his hands were trembling from the panic. I knew I had t...

every minute~

Time passes by very quickly, like the sands of time flowing downwards in an hour glass. The sight of the sand trickling down the hour glass never seizes to capture my attention and my fascination of how sand in a glass can epitomize time. Time is a simple yet complex. It tells more than what time it is now, it tells age, it can tell duration, it can tell even size, it can indicate growth. Time is not an element that one can control like water or fire. Time is uncontrollable and that's why we are forced to work within the limits of time granted to us so graciously by God. Even we are forced to bow down and work within the limits of time when it comes to work deadlines. Within our limited knowledge of time, we measure it by way of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, decades, centuries, eons, and so on and so forth. Till this very moment I type this post, passed time slips into the pages of history. I can hear the clock ticking behind me. You'd probably realise that when...