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We Are Not Alone..... we can always find comfort in those around us

Our days never really gets easier as we grow up and mature. From the day we are given birth to as a tiny toddler, as we go into kindergarten, primary school, secondary school then into tertiary studies and then finally coming out as a graduate to look for a job to make ends meet.

For those who have been in the workplace would understand how tough it can be, having to deal with a myriad of complications from an unreasonable client, to having an uncooperative subordinate, to working for tough bosses; some if not all of us usually end up getting some sort of combination to the above complications and sometimes some unfortunate ones end up having to deal with all three misfortunes.

Forget the workplace, some of us already have a load of other problems at home - car loans, kids' education, house loan, etc...... and the list goes on. Some people even have to deal with the death of loved ones.

Times liks these, when one is dealt with tough reality blows really can really steam roll one's motivation and emotions. In fact, these are the sort of things that lead to depression - mind you, cases of depression increase every year.

Deep down, most of us look at people who suffer from depression as being mentally and emotionally weak not knowing that we ourselves can succumb to depression. I'd know because I went through a rough time earlier this year and I think I am still recovering from it.

Believe you me, it is far from what I would call a nice experience. To some extent I am lucky to be able to speak to people around me (parents, close friends, relatives) and get their insight but there are many out there who don't have people to turn to, and therefore most of the time breakdown and some even end up taking dratic measures like suicide.

Although I haven't fully recovered, I am slowly trying to get myself back in shape by reading more motivational books, blog more to just let it out (not so just much of letting it out, but simply because I like sharing through writing), and playing with my dog.

I do not know how much of it is true, but going on the road of recovering from depression is made less bumpier with the assistance of a pet. I think it is true because during the early part of this year when I went through a horrible time I found much comfort in my dog. I don't have an expensive dog and I don't even know what sort of breed my dog is, but it is nice to have him around.

I must admit that I do find his barking sometimes irritating but I must accept the fact that he is dog and he is going to bark at people, other dogs, cats and etc..... But strangely, I find playing with him relaxing and even if it is for a short moment, I am able to forget about stressful and unwanted thoughts; even if it is for one minute, that one minute of cheerful time means a lot to me.

I clearly remembered the time when my mom wanted Blackie (that's my dog's name anyway), I was rather adamant about it because I knew having a dog would pretty much mean another member of the family, which eventually was going to mean more work to do - cleaning his poo, feeding him, etc..... But now that I look back, I am pretty glad to have Blackie around.

These days when I get back from work, I find myself looking forward to food (that's obvious given my high metabolic rate) and I find Blackie waiting for me to give him a pat. He'd be pacing up and down impatiently for me to pat him. Probably because of his sharp ears, he surprisingly recognises the sound of my car's engine and knows that I am home. It is a good feeling to know there's someone waiting for you when you get home. After all, sometimes I get back pretty late and I find my parents already in bed but I still have Blackie around to fool around with before I go to bed.

Bad times and sad times can come at anytime given the volatile state of our lives - ups and downs are always around. Knowing you have someone around to just be there when you need them can really lift you up, whether it is to just hold your hand, give you a pet on the back, give you a hug or even if it's a dog that goes, "woof, woof!" when it sees you feeling down.


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