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Nanotechnology and silver... good combination?

In the olden times, Phoenicians used to store drinking water in silver vessels for which many of us would think that it was for the aesthetic properties. Actually it was hardly for aesthetics but because they discovered it was healthier than storing it in other types of vessels. Research today has unfold the reason why it was healthier to store water in silver vessels - silver has antimicrobial properties. 

Researchers armed with that knowledge are now trying to concoct a more potent bactericide by coating products with silver nano-particles. In the USA, many manufacturers now coat their products with nano-particles ranging for soap to chopsticks claiming they destroy germs.

But over time, silver can accumulate in the environment and become toxic at certain levels. It is undeniable that silver's natural germ-killing properties stems from its extremely slow release of silver ions (electrically charged atoms, or groups of atoms). Problem with using silver nano-particles  is that it sheds more ions and therefore becoming more potent. Take note that a nanometre is a billionth of a metre.

As much as all of us one germ free merchandises and appliances, we should be weary of the fact that nano-silver is so tiny that it can go right to the surface of an organism and essentially shoot ions into the organism. This indeed makes silver nano-particles extremely effective as antimicrobial agent but not much is known in terms of human exposure to silver nano-particles.

However, in the medical arena much support is given to nano-particles since it can be highly beneficial. Good example, would be to coat a small amount of silver nano-particles on catheters to reduce the possibility of infection without causing any serious environmental worries. 

Bottom line, much research is still needed to find out more about how safe silver nano-particles are, since a lot of home products are coated with it especially famous washing machine brands (I won't make any mention of the brands to avoid any possible problems). Before you make a purchase of any nanosilver-coated products, make sure it is safe and if it comes from the USA, make sure it is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


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