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Kiss it Up to God!

Are you the worrier, the type that cannot stop thinking about the future and how the future can affect you or what the future holds for you? Well, that's because I that sort of person - always thinking about what's going to happen next - "full of what ifs"!

I guess some of us are born worriers just like some born talents, only that we are talented at worrying rather than being a piano, cello or a math prodigy. Thing is, it is not that we want to worry about things but it just comes naturally like how we breathe or just blink our eyes without us being conscious about it.

I worry alot because there are always expectations to meet and goals I want to constantly achieve. To be honest, it does not necessarily help me emotionally and mentally.

When one is troubled, I believe we should always fall back on the Word of God and I found this wonderful piece of text - in the Bible, Matthew records Jesus' words saying: "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? . . . But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" (Matt. 6:25-26, 33-34).

Reading that qoute really made sense to me - when you worry too much about the future you get bogged up with all the "what ifs" and you find yourself really troubled over scenarios you think may happen. But let's face it, one cannot possibly predict all the outcomes of any given scenario because what lies in the future cannot be predicted so easily. Besides, predictions are mere guesses and even if one can do simulations; even then, simulations are just informed guesses which are still guesses!

I have to just accept the fact that our lives have been well planned by Him and whatever that is happening now were all predestined by Him. When I think back now, I am thankful for He has done much for me and I could not possibly be happier right now! :) When one is in doubt just "kiss it up to God", He'll help us take care of the problem........

Have a read about "Kiss it Up to God"..... a story I bumped into while I was in the conundrum of all the "what ifs".

'Kiss It Up to God'
A young girl learns that God takes care of everything--from lollipops to pet fish.
By Bob Perks

I heard a phrase today that I hadn't heard in a long time.

"Kiss it up to God!"

When we were children and we dropped a piece of candy on the ground, someone would say, "Just kiss it up to God." Supposedly that would wash away all of the germs and dirt and make it safe to eat.

Now I must admit that I'm not exactly sure if it was our faith in God that called us to do that or the fact that we weren't going to waste a perfectly good piece of candy. But whatever it was it helped us to believe that a kiss would make it all better.

It was a young child who reminded me of that today. She had been walking with her Mom hand in hand in the local mall. Mom stopped suddenly and sat down next to me on the bench. The young girl dropped her big lollipop on the floor. Now I must tell you even I would have washed that lollipop. But quicker than Mom could say, "Honey don't!", the young girl yelled "Kiss it up to God," and popped in back in her mouth.

Okay, so my faith these days says that God would protect her in spite of all the dirt and dust that stuck to that thing.

"Honey, you shouldn't have done that," Mom said.

"But Mom you told me that's what you always said when you were a kid," the child replied.

"Yes, that's because I believed that God could make everything better if I just believed. But you should have washed that first."

"But God took care of it, right?" the child said with a look of concern.

"Yes, honey. I'm sure he did. God takes care of everything," Mom assured her.

"Well then why did my fishy die this morning? Should we have kissed him up to God, too?" she asked.

"Well..." Mom had to think about this one. This was an important moment between a parent and child.

"Honey, God kissed him up and made him all better by taking him home," Mom said with some relief and satisfaction

"God kissed him up to God?"

"Well, yes. Then he made him better and kept him."

The young child stood there thinking for a moment while Mom tried her best to clean off the lollipop.

Then with all the logic and innocence of a young child her daughter said, "Well, then I'm glad I did it so fast. He's not getting my lollipop!"

Mom, a bit stunned at first looked up at me and we both started laughing.

I believe God smiled at that one.


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