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Showing posts from March, 2009

the Rose and the Venus Flytrap

I one day had a very bad time at school and when I went home I tossed my school bag on the floor and just went up my to my room feeling like a bucket of manure had turned over right above my head. I won't go further in describing the feeling. I am sure you have had such a feeling. If you haven't had such a feeling - good on you because I can assure you, it is not a very nice feeling and you should not try it. Anyway, while I was fuming in my room, my grandfather came up to my room to see if he could help the situation. "What's wrong kiddo? Had a rough day at school eh?" "Yea......" "Not going to ask you what happened but I think I know your feeling of not being able to vent out all that frustration; the anger; the sense of absolute dissatisfaction! Tough eh?" "Yea......." "You see, the thing about feelings like these - it makes you feel miserable, feel down right horrible, tires you out. It makes you want to lash out at your enem...

more than just lost and found~

Leslie was on the way back home from work, taking the usual 20 minute walk from office back to his house. On that particular evening, it was slightly different walk. You see, Leslie had this funny lil' habit. As he walked home from work everyday, he'd count the tiles has he made his way home. The very few friends he has who are close to him say that Leslie found it soothing and it was a way to arrange his thoughts. Anyway, this particular evening as he counted the tiles he stumbled upon what looks like a wallet. The wallet looked old. Wasn't very thick and probably even looked discoloured. Leslie would have normally walked past it. But somehow, this wallet caught his attention but he couldn't help but satisfy his curiosity and he eventually bent down to pick the wallet to his own surprise. Leslie was a life-goes-by sort of person, not concerned about anything else except for his usual routines that made him feel like himself. As he picked it up, he was wondering about t...

assistance from a pair of tiny hands..........

Couple of weeks back I got a phone call from of friend of mine. He needed a baby sitter to just look after his kids while he and his wife go to work during the day. Not really to baby sit per say because there is a maid around, but just to be around in case of any emergency. Try getting me to change a baby's diapers and I'll show you the exact definition of the word "pandemonium". I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous during the first day on duty. After all, who wouldn't be if you have baby sitting credentials like me as described below, which are: 1. Absolutely NO experience in baby sitting; 2. generally bad with kids (last time a friend of mine once said, "when a kid sees you, the look on your face would automatically spell out the word 'scary'."; 3. no training whatsoever in childcare; BUT, a big BUT 4. able to carry a child. On my first day, I was clueless of what to do. I really mean clueless - don't know where to start, don...

Datalite - protect your laptop while on the go!

Always on the go? Running around town? Carrying a laptop with you at the same time? On top of the laptop, you have other documents and papers to carry? I found the answer to the problems above. It's called - Datalite. It's a hard case backpack that let's you carry your laptop and important stuff without damaging them! Pretty big too - I can fit in my laptop, laptop accessories and still space for my study notes. :) You are probably thinking it will cost a lot. It really depends on your what your budget is. I got it for RM279, which I think is more than reasonable. After all, Deuter entry level backpack smaller than this one costs more than RM279. In terms of comfort, definitely not like an average backpack. The back part of the bag is fitted with comfort foam so my back does not feel much discomfort. Definitely worth the money I paid for! You can get it from your nearest Digital Mall! P.S. - pardon the Guinness Draught bag tag I hung on my backpack..... hehehe

Losing a pen~

Old Jack has been working as typist of years. He was never once late to work and always typed to perfection. Fonts were always straight, errors kept to a minimum and everyone at work loved him. Old jack was helpful, friendly and always around if anyone in the company needed some form of help. During the weekends, he devotes his time to the church to help the needy. Jack teaches the Sunday school, and help distribute food to the orphans who stay in the church orphanage. At home he is caring father and a loving husband. He always put the needs of his family first. For years he had been saving money from his monthly salary to get a pen he really, really liked. It wasn't just any ordinary pen, it was a Mont Blanc fountain pen. Old Jack had kept a diary for many years ever since he was a school kid. He wanted the fountain pen more than anything else to continue writing his diary with. Having saved for months, he finally bought himself the fountain pen. He took good care of it and always...

Follow your heart.......

The air outside was cold and dry. Frank stared out the window as he sat by the window of his room. "Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap" was the sound he heard as the rain drops bounced off the window in the quiet rented room of his, located by the slumps of the city. Frank was thinking, he was thinking about his future. He recently lost his job in the production line when the economy took a turn for the worse. Frank is clueless about what the future holds for him. All his job applications have been rejected, and he lies at the very brink of poverty. Frank takes a look at his bank book, all that is left in his bank account is 50 Ringgit. He takes a good look at the bank book and gingerly puts it away into the drawer. Frank lets out a long sigh of despair, "I never thought I would end up in this God forsaken state!" Frank came from a village about 8 hours drive from where he is now. One year ago, he made the fateful trip to the city to seek better opportunities after 3 years of...